Toiling On

Last week, I printed out all the cards that I have completed, for the first time, to take to the TABI Conference. I am really pleased with the quality of the images, except one, which will either need some more tinkering or re-photographing, as I’m not happy with it.

I posted a couple of versions of my latest card, the Seven of Coins, on the Facebook page. Everyone who commented there and at the TABI conference, preferred this version:


This is rather gratifying as it’s the one I originally picked for the card, but then, seized by an element of doubt as to whether there was enough “produce” in the image, I added another version to see what others thought. Normally, there is some division over the image preferences, so it’s nice to have consistency, not to mention accord with my own choice 😀

The gardener is quietly contemplating the work still to be done in the kitchen garden. It will be some time yet before that particular section is ready to harvest (beet plants were just being put in), but much of the garden is already supplying plentiful produce for the house, including some extremely fragrant fresh garlic that we came away with that day 😀

Whilst collating the images to be printed, I discovered several versions of the Knight of Staves that I had not yet published and have chosen this feisty-looking Roman soldier with his hasta:


He certainly looks like a man with a mission and woe betide anyone who gets in the way of his goals. I like the energy and movement in the image, and the colours are in keeping with the fiery Wands/Staves suit.


2 thoughts on “Toiling On”

  1. I do like the Seven of Coins image – and now I can think of the garlic harvest when I see it! Great image for the Knight of Staves too – there’s a real sense of movement there.

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