For The Love Of…

Welcome to the Autumn edition of the Tarot Blog Hop. The theme this time is “Foodies Guide to the Tarot” and the brief is to take your readers on a gastronomy tour of the Tarot. How could I resist? Before I attempt to tickle you tastebuds, however, I must provide you with the navigation links to my neighbours and the master list:


There, now that’s done let’s get on with the business of Foodie-ing 😀

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A World View

Welcome to the Solstice Edition of the Tarot Blog Hop. On this occasion we were given the instruction to create a Tarot card from junk mail or “artwork that someone else has done”. Obviously, this is something of a major problem given that this blog is dedicated to my work on a Tarot deck so it would be inappropriate to use someone else’s.

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Root of All…

Welcome to the Vernal Equinox Tarot Blog Hop. Today’s topic, as set by yours truly, is the role of Tarot in relation to money. Before we get our teeth into this meaty and bunny-free topic, here are some navigation links to help you find your way to my neighbouring posts or, if you’re lost, the master list.


Back to the matter in hand…

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This post is part of the Tarot Blog Hop and our wrangler, Maureen, asked us “which card in the Tarot most corresponds with your own interpretation of the second harvest of the Autumnal Equinox” and invited us to create this card ourselves. But before we continue to my efforts in this regard, here are the links to enable you to navigate this Hop:


I must admit that I initially misread the specification for this Hop and was all set to create a new card, but after a long and busy Summer, my muse is off on her holidays somewhere and all I can think about is my planned Devil card. (Coming soon – watch this space!) I think you’ll agree that the Devil doesn’t really fit the bill on any level when it comes to a representation of the Equinox or, indeed, Autumn, and I was left scratching my head. That said, it has inspired me to add some additional cards to my deck to explicitly represent the seasons, so again, watch this space! 😀 Read more “Cornucopia”

Decisions, Decisions

This post is part of the Tarot Blog Hop and our wrangler, Joanne, asked us to write about “your take on the influence of the Sun and/or Mercury in the Tarot or your favorite oracle deck”. Before we proceed onto the subject of my favourite deck, here are the links to enable you to navigate this Hop:


As you may be aware, I’m a Gemini, so I know first hand about those Mercurial shifts, so I’ll just reassure you now that I’m still very much enthused about this deck and my eyes have not yet slid away to gaze upon pastures newer. Besides, it would be rather rude of me not to choose my own deck on this website, so you may take it as read that I’ll be talking about Meniscus today 😀

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Holy Juniper Berries!

And now for something competely different! This is the first outing for this blog on the Tarot Blog Hop and for this edition, our wrangler, Alison, has allowed us to just choose a card and write about it, rather than setting a specific topic. Before I launch into my post, here are the links for my neighbours and the master list.


If you are of a certain age and culture, there are a great many things you can’t think of without the overlay of Monty Python humour. If you fall into this category and someone mentions, for example, parrots, the Messiah, lumberjacks, rabbits, Antioch, The Last Supper, getting stoned (in the Biblical…umm…judicial sense) or, indeed, hermits, your brain immediately converts it via the Python Filter. What you hear in your head (in summary) are phrases like: he’s pining for the fjords…pushing up daisies…, he’s not the Messiah he’s a naughty boy, I’m OK – I sleep all night…suspendies and a bra, that rabbit’s dynamite, holy hand-grenade, I may not know much about art…, Jehovah and juniper berries, respectively. Plus a whole host of other associated quotes. It can make it very difficult to take a great many things seriously 😀

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