Balancing Act

Welcome to another edition of the Tarot Blog Hop. Our wrangler has given us the Mabon theme of “how can the balance be restored”, but before we explore that, here are the navigation links:




Balance, or the lack thereof, does seem to be a bit of a theme in my life right now and it has also appeared with regularity in this deck, with several more yet-to-be-created cards tugging at the balance theme. Indeed, I was startled to see that I wrote a post about balance for self-same Blog Hop this time last year. You can read it here. It’s called “Balance” funnily enough, and dealt with my rather hurriedly produced Temperance card. So, done that then!

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Tudor Coinage

The creation of this deck is something of a mixture of planning, opportunism and pleasant surprises. Some of the cards, such as The Hermit and Fool, are quite deliberately set up (I’d say carefully, but in all honesty it’s usually a bit more haphazard). For others, I seek out situations or events where I hope that the image I have in mind will manifest, e.g., The Hanged Man. The best is when I get a pleasant surprise by stumbling on just the right scenario.

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