
I am bereft! Bereft of camera and just…well…bereft. My lovely Olympus camera has developed a fault. It makes whirring, clunking noises and refuses to start. In short, it needs to be sent off for repair. I feel almost as if a friend had died. Not a close friend, not one worthy of tears and despair, but a friend nonetheless. A companion whom I have come to regard with fondness and one whose absence will leave a camera-shaped hole in my life. I am weeping inside 🙁

In practial terms, I am devoid of all the lovely functionality I am rapidly becoming accustomed to having at my fingertips. This is particularly galling since, after taking some passably acceptable pics of the total lunar eclipse the other night, I’d planned to photograph the starry sky tomorrow night, which promises to be a clear one. I have other cameras, of course, but none which will supply the specific functionality allowing me to see the shot as it develops. I had also planned to get The Devil card done this weekend. Oh, woe is me!

Anyway, the long and short of it is that progress on this project may be delayed for a while until my Olympus has been resurrected and we are reunited. I have no idea how long this might take. I will try to continue to plot and scheme and do what I can, so continue to watch this space.